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Well, if he lives in Finland that’s what he says.

In the US and the UK roosters crow like this “Cock-a-doodle-do!”, right?  Every little kid knows that.

French roosters wake up the farm folk this way: “Cocorico!”

In the Netherlands the rooster’s crow sounds like this — “Kukeleku!”

This rooster — this painting of a rooster —  speaks in another way —  LUSCIOUS LOUD  COLOR.

This is 6×6 inches and I painted it in oils, with both brushes and palette knives, on a gesso-primed hardboard.

I’ve been told by people who have seen both the painting  and the image on the internet that the real-life painting is far prettier.   And your monitor and browser may display colors slightly differently, of course.

This colorful little painting is available for purchase in my Etsy Store…click here to view it.

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